Felt World Map

I finally finish our Felt World Map.  I only had the Antarctic puzzle piece left to sew, the kids had been using it without it but I finally got around to it today.  It actually wasn’t as daunting a project as I thought it’d be and it turns out lovely, even if you’re not sure what you’re doing!

The pattern is from imagineourlife.com which is a wonderful blog.

Montessori Continents Map & Quietbook with 3-Part Cards

This is the map part, it’s sewn onto the blue ocean.  I got the large pieces of felt from Fabricland.  It’s pretty inexpensive.  It’s not wool felt however, just regular felt made from plastic but you could do this in wool felt.  There are some sites on Etsy that sell large bolts of wool felt.

I didn’t sew down all the little islands, some I just glued with fabric glue and I glued on the inland water pieces.


Matching the continent puzzles to the map.  Pumpkin 1 loves this activity and she learned to name them all really quickly.


The colours match the Montessori colours for each continent so it matches the puzzle maps and globes.

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If you can’t afford the Montessori world puzzle map this would be a great, inexpensive substitute.

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